Business Reports
2014 Regional Manufacturing Reports
Africa……………………………..Amharic, English/Swahili, English, Portuguese
Europe……………………………English, French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish
Latin America………………..Spanish
United States………………..English
Policy Reports
(2012), Harvard Business Review
Healthcare in Europe and North America (2010), McKinsey & Company and CEP-LSE
Management in Healthcare: Why good practice really matters, 2010
Retail in Canada (2010), Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity
Management Matters in Retail
Manufacturing in Australia (2009), University of Technology, Sydney and CEP-LSE
Management Matters in Australia: Just how productive are we?
Manufacturing in Canada (2009), Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity
Management Matters
Manufacturing in Latin America (2013), Corporación Andina de Fomento – Development Bank of Latin America and CEP-LSE
Todo se queda en familia: Propriedad y prácticas de gestión en firmas de Latinomérica
Manufacturing in Mozambique (2015), International Growth Centre and CEP-LSE
Management Practices in Manufacturing in Mozambique
Manufacturing in New Zealand (2010), University of Technology, Sydney and CEP-LSE
Management Matters in New Zealand: How does manufacturing measure up?
Manufacturing in Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland (2009), Department of Enterprise Trade and Investment,
InvestNI, the Department for Employment and Learning, Intertrade Ireland, Forfás and the Management Development Council
Management Matters in Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland
Manufacturing in the UK (2011), Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and CEP-LSE
Constraints on Developing UK Management Practices