We will be running a conference on empirical management, focused on recent empirical research on measuring and exploring management and organizational practices. We are seeking applied and empirical research papers in both the private and the public sector.
Where: Harvard Business School
When: Dec 12 (from 8am) to Dec 13 (finishing at 3 pm), 2024.
Submissions are due by September 20, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Accepted papers will be notified by October 15, 2024.
Papers should be submitted via this form, or the button to the right.
Attendees are expected to attend the full conference. If for any reason you cannot attend the full conference please note this in your submission.
Funding up to $500 can be available for presenters (especially junior scholars) who need support to attend. Please indicate if you would like to apply for this funding. We apologize that this will not cover the majority of travel costs, but we have no external funding for this conference. As such, we appreciate those who can cover their own travel costs.
Organizers: Nick Bloom (Stanford University), Renata Lemos (World Bank), Raffaella Sadun (Harvard Business School), Daniela Scur (Cornell University) and John Van Reenen (LSE & MIT).